The caller must then write the content to the stream and call ArchiveOutputStream. The encoding to use for filenames and the file comment. Defaults to AsNeeded unless putArchiveEntry org. Zip64 status is re-established based on the settings in this stream, and the supplied value is ignored. When setting the mode to AsNeeded , Zip64 extensions will transparently be used for those entries that require them. Will use random access if possible.
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If the file is not a directory a potential trailing ziparchiveoutpugstream slash will be stripped from the entry name. Whether to set the language encoding flag if the file name encoding is UTF Adds an archive entry with a raw input stream.
Java Code Examples of hiveOutputStream
When setting ziparchiveoutputstrewm mode to AsNeededZip64 extensions will transparently be used for those entries that require them. When setting the mode to AlwaysZip64 extensions will be used for all entries. If the stream can not use SeekableByteChannel and you try to write a ZipArchiveEntry of unknown size then Zip64 extensions will be disabled by default.
Whether to fall back to UTF and the language encoding flag if the file name cannot be ziparchiveoutlutstream using the specified encoding.
As of Apache Commons Compress 1. The entry is put and closed immediately. Writes the headers for an archive entry to the output stream.
AsNeeded will create a slightly bigger archive if the uncompressed size of any entry has initially been unknown and create an archive identical to Never otherwise. If crc, size and compressed size are supplied on the entry, these values will be used as-is.
eExtraFieldPolicy ("The Adobe AEM Quickstart and Web Application.")
The caller must then write the content to the stream and call ArchiveOutputStream. This mode can only be used if the uncompressed size of ziparchivveoutputstream ZipArchiveEntry is known when calling putArchiveEntry org.
For a list of possible values see http: UnicodeExtraFieldPolicy enum that represents the possible policies for creating Unicode extra fields. If no entry inside the resulting archive requires Zip64 extensions then Never will create the smallest archive.

ArchiveEntry or the archive is written to a seekable output i. Closes this output stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream. Any archive created in this mode will be readable by implementations that don't support Zip SeekableInMemoryByteChannel allows you to write to an in-memory archive using random access. ArchiveEntrycloseArchiveEntryfinish or close may throw a Zip64RequiredException if the entry's size or the total size of the archive exceeds 4GB or there are more than entries inside the archive.
Whether this ziparchiveoutputsteram is able to write the given entry. AutoCloseable Direct Known Subclasses: Any archive created in this mode may zipardhiveoutputstream unreadable by implementations that don't support Zip64 even if all its contents would be.
Java ZipArchiveOutputStream.putArchiveEntry Examples
The encoding to use for filenames and the file comment. Zip64 status is re-established based on the settings in this stream, and the supplied value is ignored. Whether Zip64 extensions will be used. Creates a new zip entry ziparchiveoutputstrea some information from the given file and using the provided name.

When setting the mode to NeverputArchiveEntry org. ArchiveEntry is called with an entry ziparchiveouttputstream unknown size and data is written to a non-seekable stream - in this case the default is Never.
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Defaults to AsNeeded unless putArchiveEntry org. Always will create an archive zoparchiveoutputstream is at least 24 bytes per entry bigger than the one Never would create. Sets the compression level for subsequent entries. May return false if it is set up to use encryption or a compression method that hasn't been implemented yet.
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