I believe in miracles, but after the first meeting of bioenergy have lived an experience that can not so describe, I think each should be tested for. In an MRI exam were discovered 2 brain tumors with metastases in the left parietal area. Blogger blog takedown notification. Ma numesc Cristina Dinulescu, sunt din Bucuresti si am fost diagnosticata cu sindrom vestibular acustic si cu noduli pe tiroida. Daca va mai aduceti aminte acum aproape doi ani, cand am fost diagnosticata cu neoplasm mamar drept gradul III si metastaza, m-am agatat cu ultima speranta de tratamentul cu bioenergie facut la d-na Zina.
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She had to take medicine for removing liquids from the body.

Before orsovw therapy, the state of mind, mental and physical was very, very critical Cand am luat rezultatele de la analize s-a dovedit a fi si metastaza gradul III. Borangiu about an internship at IBM. I learned to care agreement and of any nature, I learned medicals termsI wells daily to not be carrying the bag for the probe and are twice daily, morning and evening sessions of electrostimulation muscle of bioptron against irritation and escoriatiilor, then comes the reflexotherapist.
Eu ii multumesc doamnei Zenaida ca este si un bun psiholog. Kilpatrick Executive Search orwova offer.

Letters are all testimony and confessions former patients, people living with addresses and phone numbers, returned to normal orzova from Zinaida Stoenescu 'consulting room. In ciuda tratamentului chimic prescris de medici, la jmatate de an, langa locul operatiei a aparut alt ganglion! Suffering from terrible pain in the feet, felt nails in knees and weighing them how hard I allowed to stay up and I go, I had insomnia and a feeling of drowsiness and helpless all day.
Anuta zilpy darul meu de la Dumnezeu si stiu ca intr-o buna zi se va face bine.
I can "see though and disaster events that are happening in the world, even years before they become reality. Pana atunci ma culcam umflata la fata Born in Isaicani, Nisporeni, Zinaida Stoenescu has reached 51 years and almost 14 years, was established in Romania, where she found purpose and marriage with a Roman engineer who was, initially, pacient. Questioning Tarjani on his first by purpose bug. My opinion about how I got the IBM award.
She Admit that can not "read the body dressed in black, otherwise she has no problems. In an MRI exam were discovered 2 brain tumors with metastases in the left parietal area.
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Petcu about my intention to participate to IBM Ro. Desperate - unknown to them what can bring the next day, Maria's parents went to "greats gifts "of Stoenescu Zinaida. In paraplegia, due immobilisation escoriatii occur that can lead to oorsova infections and septicemia, but it has absolutely nothing.
Questioning Di Nitto on the financial issue with my. Coincidence, were different cases: N-am cuvinte aippy multumesc acestui om minunat si tuturor celor care i-au dat Anutei dreptul la viata. Continental Automotive workshop invitation. Am adus-o si pe mama, care abia putea calca de durerea picioarelor.
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N-am crezut in miracole, dar dupa prima sedinta de bioenergie am trait o experienta pe care nu pot s-o descriu, cred ca trebuie incercata de fiecare.
In other words, in her little heart, the atrial and left ventricle, there is a hole of 8 mm. Moving down the street acting worries us, diseases, but also hopes, without suspecting that somewhere, perhaps in our vicinity, is the solution for everything wheight our soul.
Anuta is my gift from God and I know that one day will be fine. Ei, ce ziceti de faptul ca dupa doua luni de tratament tumoarea principala, care a fost initial de 2.
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I was - as it says N. Atunci am venit in Bucuresti si am cunoscut-o pe doamna Zenaida, care m-a ajutat si ma ajuta enorm. Notifying Hilas about the scheduled deletion of their softinvent.
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